Sunday, October 16, 2011

रेलवे पुलिस के द्दारा सुरक्षा गार्ड के नाखुन उखाडने,गर्म पानी मे खडा करने,पैरो मे कील ठोकने, पिटाई करने जैसे उत्पीडन करने के सम्बन्ध मे

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/10/16
Subject: रेलवे पुलिस के द्दारा सुरक्षा गार्ड के नाखुन उखाडने,गर्म पानी मे खडा करने,पैरो मे कील ठोकने, पिटाई करने जैसे उत्पीडन करने के सम्बन्ध मे

सेवा मे,                                        16 अक्तुबर 2011


राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग

   नई दिल्ली,

विषय:-  रेलवे पुलिस के द्दारा सुरक्षा गार्ड के नाखुन उखाडने,गर्म पानी मे खडा करने,पैरो मे कील ठोकने, पिटाई करने जैसे उत्पीडन करने के सम्बन्ध मे


       मै, आपका ध्यान 10 अक्टुबर 2011 के दैनिक भास्कर की खबर ' रक्षक बने भक्षक ,कुछ कर दी यु पार कर दी दरिन्दगी की हद ' पर आकृष्ट करना चाहता हुँ।[i]   

    लेख है कि, झारखंड के रांची मे रेलवे सुरक्षा पुलिस के तीन जवानो ने चोरी के सन्देह मे रेलवे के सुरक्षा गार्ड दिलबोधन को पकड कर उसके साथ अमानवीय कृत्य किया है। दिलबोधन को पुलिस वालो ने चोरी के सन्देह मे पुछताछ के लिये पकडा था ।उसके हाथ-पैर के नाखुनो को उखाडा गया,उसे गर्म पानी मे खडा किया गया,पैरो मे कील ठोकी गयी तथा बेरहमी से पिटाई की गयी ।  

           महोदय, इस सम्बंध में निवेदन/मांग है कि घटना की स्वतंत्र जांच करायी जाय, दिलबोधन को मुआवजा दिया जाय तथा दोषी पुलिसकर्मीयो के खिलाफ कार्यवाही की जाय। कृपया, अतिशीध्र आवश्यक कार्यवाही करने का कष्ट करे ।  


डा लेनिन

                                                                             (महा सचिव)

मानवाधिकार जन निगरानि समिति

एस.ए. 4 /2 ए,दौलतपुर,वाराणसी




Sunday, October 2, 2011

Detention Watch: An initiative for inculcating humane approach towards detainees convicted wrongfully


The detention Watch was launched, as an outcome to the series of dialogues with various organizations associated with PVCHR and National Alliance on Testimonial Therapy (NATT). In PVCHR, where its secretariat is housed, the Detention Watch was formally launched with गिरफ़्तारी पर गश्त on 23rd April, 2011. The objectives of ‘Detention Watch’ is to monitor detention of any type, whether adult or children, are detained be it in - judicial custody, police lock up, custody in remand home or  administrative custody.

Detention Watch is not only raising the issue of detention but also it is keeping an eye on the condition of prisons by using the Right to Information (RTI) Act or other sources. Seeing the pitiful condition of the prison, ‘Detention Watch’ advocates pardon for those convicted for life term. In view of the overcrowded prisons, “Detention Watch’ suggests that only hard-core prisoners be kept in jail. Prisoner nabbed for trivial cases should be released on bail.

The effort put forth by ‘Detention watch’ has brought it limelight as notices served to police authorities such as such as Chief Secretary of the states, Director General of Police (DGP) and Director General of Prison.
As Ram Lal received Rs 10,000 from the police officials in Padri police station, Mirzapur where he was tortured and departmental disciplinary action was initiated against alleged police officials was initiated.

 In the case of Ram Lal Patel the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) directed the UP Government to disburse Rs. 500,000 (Rupees Five Lakh) as compensation as his brother Santosh Patel was killed in a fake encounter, though a CBCID enquiry is still going on. Even prompt responses were received from the DGP office on the online complaints.
Detention Watch is also making inroads in the conflict region, namely North –East and Kashmir. Recently National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) sought explanation from J&K police on non-compliance of Commission's guidelines in case of a death in the police custody. As it happened with 28-year old Nazim Rashid of Sopore town, North Kashmir in J& K on 31st July, 2011

It was published first as news in the first paper of Greater Kashmir news. (

In August, 2009 after the intervention by PVCHR 4 innocent young boys (Salam James, Haobijam Nanao, Oinam Somorjit Singh and Nongthoujam Somarjit Singh) and a girl (Bidya Rani) were released in Manipur.